It’s not rare to see an older adult living alone with few to no family members around. Bringing out old photo albums gives your senior a sense of happiness, comfort, familiarity, and a walk down memory lane.

Reminiscing about the good times floods memories in and allows them to reconnect, however briefly, with loved ones in a time different than the here and now. The feeling of nostalgia is powerful. Young or old, we all feel it. It rushes back feelings of a past time, indescribable to a person or people who were not there. Estimates by scientific bodies and psychologists describe nostalgia as a window into another time. Our feelings help establish a sense of identity transferable into the present moment.

Nostalgia is a powerful feeling. Young or old, we all feel it. Theories by leading psychologists say our fond feelings of the past help establish our identity in the present time. Whether you have a few photos or a full book of photographs, sharing a photo-browsing session with your senior can drastically increase happiness and trust between the two of you.

The elder can share stories of a time long ago and describe their feelings. It can make for a great bonding experience. One of the best things you can give your elder is your time. Show them you care by browsing through photos or making a scrapbook together. It’s good for health too! This bonding experience can lower blood pressure and heart rates.